SOMNI MouseTaxic Stereotaxic Nosecone for use w/Active Waste Gas Scavenging


The SOMNI MouseTaxic Stereotaxic Nosecone is designed to be used with stereotaxic devices to safely deliver and actively scavenge inhalant anesthesia.  The SOMNI MouseTaxic works with SOMNI EPS-3 or attenuated in-house vacuum system.

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Meets NIOSH standards for waste gas safety, when used properly. Hyper branched active scavenging to each nose cone assuring compliance and user safety. Hyper branched equal gas delivery to each nose cone prevents animal awakening. Animals lay in a flat, natural position during anesthesia (no head torqueing).

Product Type

SOMNI MouseTaxic Stereotaxic Nosecone for use w/Active Waste Gas Scavenging (Stoelting, without head clamp), SOMNI MouseTaxic Stereotaxic Nosecone for use w/Active Waste Gas Scavenging (Stoelting, with head clamp), Somni Mouse Taxic, Stereotaxic Nosecone with head clamp, Kopf, Somni Mouse Taxic, Stereotaxic Nosecone without head clamp, Kopf

SOMNI MouseTaxic Stereotaxic Nosecone for use w/Active Waste Gas Scavenging